The Qube Trailer Compactor
The Qube Trailer is a revolutionary trash compactor that can be towed by a pickup truck. This freedom allows consumers to place trash compactors in areas that are inaccessible to large commercial trucks.
Boasting a 3:1 compaction ratio, The Qube Trailer will outperform a self-contained compactor with the same spatial footprint.
The large hopper and charging chamber are a part of the hauling body, resulting in a larger volume for your payload.
Only 26 feet of clearance is necessary to haul The Qube Trailer with a pickup truck. The Qube Trailer requires the space of a parking spot while holding over 3 tons of refuse.
Solving Urban Refuse Challenges
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The Qube Trailer's small design is less intrusive, quieter and safer.
67% less driver exits than hauling traditional self contained compactors.
Cleaner trash areas with automatically sealed hopper.
Less employee downtime due to larger charging chamber.
Safer roads due to lightweight and mobile design.

Reduces opentop dumpster pickup frequency from daily to once a week.
Lower cost of operation compared to traditional methods, only requires a pickup truck to haul.
Lowers the impact on private and city streets compared to traditional collection methods.

23%-38% reduction in emissions compared to traditional garbage trucks.
Reduction in truck routes, the Qube Trailer allows for compaction where it was previously unavailable.
Sealed compaction cambor is more sanitary than open top dumpsters.
Less wear and tear on the roads due to less weight.
Recycling is offered to previously unserviceable customers.
The Qube Trailer boasts a 3:1 compaction ratio while still weighing under 14,000 lbs fully loaded.
The benefits that neighborhoods see with the Qube Trailer are:
Safety - The Qube Trailer is maneuverable and weighs less.
Less noise/visual pollution - A pickup truck with a trailer is much less racket than traditional means of refuse collection.
Fewer carbon emissions.
Less traffic - The Qube Trailer's small spatial footprint and maneuverability allows it to service customers at a faster rate while taking up less space.
Less wear and tear on the infrastructure.

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Servicing a chute in an alley

Servicing a basement

You are losing valuable parking spots due to an angled compactor or multiple six-yard containers or if you are denied compaction due to space limitations.
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You have a trash system that is chute fed or in a basement with low clearance.
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Large traditional garbage trucks are damaging your pavement and buildings. The fully loaded Qube Trailer will weigh under 14,000 lbs. compared to the 56,000 lbs. of a front end loader.
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This video shows one week's worth of refuse from a high rise in Columbus Ohio.
The building is serviced only by The Qube Trailer.
An example of one nights worth of trash.
The 3:1 compaction ratio and lack of space required makes The Qube Trailer a must have for urban environments.

The Qube trailer is compatible with docks, chutes, and cart tippers.